Eyes on the Eye
Evil Eye vs Third Eye
The third eye is a mystical concept of an invisible eye, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. It is usually depicted as located on the forehead. Often called the mind's eye or inner eye, it is thought of as a gate that leads to inner realms or spaces of higher perceptions of conciseness.
The Evil Eye
The term evil eye is used both as an object and as a conceptual idea. An Evil Eye is a talisman used to protect against the evil eye --- A curse believed to be cast by a malicious glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware. Some variation of this concept has been part of folklore all over the world by several cultures throughout time.
Rings, Rings, Rings
Is there such a thing as too much? Not when it comes to rings! Our Puzzle Ring is made of four separate rings that come apart and can be worn in many different configurations. They all fit back into the circle ring to make a statement piece. You can dress up your Puzzle Ring with a Stoned Sphere Ring. Currently available in rose quartz, green aventurine and black onyx. Email to inquire.
Photography: Bria Bronwyn @dopeafide
Model: Nusheen Bakhtiar @nush.wander
Third Eye / Evil Eye Holder Necklaces + Puzzle Rings